( Photo by davidmulder61 on Foter.com / CC BY-SA )
I’m not quite to 0 days until vacation, but close…only 2 as I write this, Of course, they’re going to be two very long days involving overtime and bonus paid-time-off added to my month of September, but only two more days. Plus, for our extra long days, we’ll be fed at suppertime, which is nice, on top of the extra PTO just for this week’s extra hours. It is nice to be appreciated.
I’m pretty sure the first day of my vacation will be spent recovering from the past week, and I have an appointment on the second day (and probably another on the last day), but then I have my to-do list, and my oldest son’s birthday for the rest, and possibly a visit with my sister in there, too, depending on how much rain she ends up with from the hurricane and how much clean-up that causes.
One thing I do have on my list that I absolutely will get accomplished is writing. I want to put a big dent in the novella I’m working on for next year’s Common Elements project. Not sure if I’ve told you about that yet, but I will tell you more about it down the road.
I’ve also got to clean up here in my office. I need some work space cleared off, and haven’t had time to do that. It was on last year’s vacation week to-do list, before my vacation plans went to hell. It’ll be easier to create when the clutter is put away where it belongs.
For now, though, I am going to start getting my things together for the next two days, and get to bed at a reasonable time so I’m well-rested and functional. Before I go, I have a little snippet of the first shifter story to share this week.
When she made her way along the hall, her heart thundering in her ears, the low rumble of male voices grew louder. Tessa turned the corner and froze. The double doors to Boyd’s study were open wide, and the first person she saw was Harley.
His dark blazer fit snugly over his broad shoulders. The white shirt open at the neck exposed golden muscles.
Her mouth went dry at the sight of him. He was really taking her out to dinner. As a prelude to more. To be with her. Her heart stopped beating for a painful moment.
She couldn’t do this. His gaze swung away from whatever he’d been looking at on the desk, and heat flared in the tawny depths when his gaze landed on her. He stepped around the desk, toward the hallway, and she resisted her sudden, desperate urge to flee under the very predatory expression on his face. He would only give chase if she did.
Not that she could run in these damned heels anyway.
He paused in the doorway, his amber gaze sliding down from her face to the neckline of her dress. Further. Then, just as slowly and trailing scorching heat all the way, back up to her face. “You look very nice, Tessa,” he murmured.
She realized the voices in the study had gone silent, and she slid along the wall a little, away from him.
A hint of a smile tugged at one corner of his mouth, and he mirrored the move.
She swallowed hard. “Thank you.” She couldn’t do any better than a ragged whisper.
“Are you ready?”
She stared into his eyes for a long moment, nervousness rising up to choke her, and then shook her head.
He raised one eyebrow.
She slid further along the wall, feeling her legs tremble as she side-stepped. Almost to the front door.
He stalked her to the door, the smile on his face growing with each measured step.
She fumbled behind her for the doorknob for several seconds. Surely by now he could hear her heart pounding against her ribs.
“Are you running away?” The question was almost a purr.
She finally closed her fingers around the knob. “Of c-course n-not.” Even her voice was shaking now. Fantastic. She tugged the door open and sidled out through the opening.
He continued to follow, backing her right up against one of the cars.
She hoped it was hers.
“You know it would be easier if you could see where you were going.”
If she turned and ran… A shudder ran through her, and it wasn’t all fear. Not even most of it. Too much anticipation flowed through her veins.
He took one last step toward her, pressing her flat between the car and himself.
Oh, my Gods. She shut her eyes for a second. Every inch of him was hard, and there were some inches pressing into her belly that were extra-hard.
“You’ve run before, Tessa,” he murmured, leaning down so his warm breath brushed her temple and cheek.
She swallowed, wishing for a little moisture in her dry mouth. It seemed every bit of liquid in her was pooling between her legs at the moment.
“You’ve walked away from me, turning your back on me. Presenting.”
She opened her mouth to protest that, knowing it would be a lie, but nothing came out.
He dragged his mouth over hers, lightly, sending a shocking jolt of heat rushing through her. “And now it’s time to do it for real.” He nipped at her lower lip. “Turn around, Tessa.” His hand cupped her hip.
She shook her head.
“You’ve been playing with fire.” His open mouth slid along her cheek. “I’ve enjoyed the play. Now it’s time to get serious.” His hand at her hip slipped between her ass and the side of the car. “Turn around.” He punctuated the command with a sharp nip at her earlobe.
“We have an audience,” she managed, her pulse racing so fast she wondered how long it would take before she either hyperventilated or passed out.
“Go away,” he called without turning around. The front door closed with a bang behind him. “Better?” He sucked her earlobe between his lips for a second.
She shook her head. “Picture windows,” she managed.
He squeezed her bottom, lifting her into the erection that scalded her through their clothing, and caught her mouth with his, deeper this time.
Here’s to a great week for you all!