I am in countdown mode right now: only four more days until Hunting Medusa is out in trade paperback. This is as exciting as pub day last January, if only because it means I’m going to get to hold my book in my own hands at last! Also, I know I have some friends and readers who aren’t so wild about e-books, so they’ve been waiting impatiently for the paperback so they can read the story, too, and I’m excited for them to get to read it finally. If you have been waiting for the paperback, too, it is up for pre-ordering at Samhain, Amazon, and Barnes & Noble. I’m looking forward to getting to pet my pretty cover when it’s attached to the rest of the book at last!

My shiny new cover art! isn’t it pretty?
Also, I have a guest blog up this morning with the generous Jessie Clever here. It’s been so much fun doing these guest posts, and answering some of these questions was challenging. I hope you’ll all check it out.
Now I’m heading back to the fresh rewrites on my second Medusa. And counting down, not just to paperback release day, but the Facebook party I’ll be hosting on paperback release day. I’ve got goodies to give away during the course of the day, including, books, gift certificates, and a big box full of things at the end of the party. I hope you’ll come join me.