I had no idea this month was going to get so crazy. I had intentions of getting a giveaway post up here (and still will before the month is over), and so much writing to do! But tonight is not the night for either. I’ve just finished the bi-weekly grocery shopping expedition after a super-long work week, and we won’t even get into all of that fun stuff now.
Tonight I’m really just stopping by because tomorrow, I have a fun guest blog post up here for NaNo prep. How many of you are getting ready to write your fingers off next month for NaNo? I haven’t done it yet–retail in November is not conducive to increased word count, but this year I think I’m dipping my toe in the pool. I must have lost my mind, since November at work isn’t any less crazy than October has been so far, but I think it might be the only way I’m going to get close to making my writing goals for the year. And in case you need a little inspiration, Robyn Bachar has been hosting a whole lot of guest bloggers this month in preparation for NaNo, including mine for tomorrow. I hope you’ll check it out and let me know what you think. And let me know if you’re getting ready to write your brains out next month! I can use some company in the padded cell when we’re finished.