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Freeing Medusa Release Week

For the first time in ages, I am sick. I got up Thursday morning with a sore, scratchy throat, and by the time I got home from the day-job, I felt like I'd been run over a couple times by a bus, with a sky-high fever that went mostly away by morning. But by the end of the work-day Friday, I felt bad enough again to go to urgent care. Now I'm stuck at home with my germs through mid-week and couldn't go to the booksigning yesterday at Ashcombe Farm, which was a huge disappointment. Today I feel icky enough to be okay with that, so I'm going to keep this short. But...I'm counting down this week to release day!

Right now, Freeing Medusa is up for pre-order on Amazon, set to release this Friday, February 21, 2025. Once we get a couple tiny fixes made, the paperback will be up there as well, and both ebook and paperback on all the other sites as well. A couple little hiccups last week, or it would be up for pre-order on all of them already, but that's okay. We'll get there.

And you all know what a new release means, right? A new release means a release party. So come on over to my Facebook page next weekend and join me to celebrate the release of the final book in the Medusa's Daughters Trilogy!



            Millennia ago, a beautiful young Gorgon made a fatal mistake, one her descendants still pay for today. She so angered Athena that the Goddess cursed Medusa, changing her lovely hair to snakes and causing her gaze to turn any living thing to stone. As if that wasn’t bad enough, Perseus then set out to kill the unfortunate Medusa.

            Perseus didn’t know she’d already found a way to protect her descendants from some of the Goddess’s curse: she created an amulet in the form of a golden goblet which would transfer from one Medusa to the next, either when she fell in love or died. This goblet prevents the curse from wreaking constant havoc on the women’s lives, instead limiting it to once each month. And you thought you had PMS from hell.

            Along with the Goddess’s curse, Perseus’s descendants have also followed the Medusas through the centuries, trying to take the amulet as they hunt, or harvest the Medusas. Over time, details about the goblet and how the curse passes from one Medusa to the next have been lost or forgotten. These Harvesters have so far failed to find the amulet, and, for several generations, have also failed to kill the reigning Medusa. But they are persistent and are closer now to achieving one part of their task: killing the Medusa.

            In recent years, one of their own fell in love with the Medusa he was destined to kill. Then her successor also fell in love, thus passing the curse on to another unlucky cousin. Now the Harvesters are even more determined to kill her successor, to satisfy the Goddess, and they will allow no one to stand in their way this time.


If I missed you at the booksigning yesterday, my apologies, but trust me, you wouldn't have wanted me to bring these germs out in public. Haha. So now I'll be looking forward to May and the next signing on the calendar. And then the next in June... But for now, party time on Saturday, February 22, 2025! Join me on my Facebook page for the celebration.

Until next week, happy reading!

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