( Photo credit: Foter.com )
We’re heading into Thanksgiving week here in the U.S, which just happens to be one of our busiest weeks of the year at my day-job, though our crazy-busy is Monday and Tuesday, and then we’ll be a little slower the rest of the week. Which is why I took an extra day off, so I can do less work in the kitchen on Thursday and enjoy the holiday more than some years when I spent most of the day working in the kitchen. I think Thanksgiving is probably my favorite holiday all year long, though it is probably the one that is the most work. Hours and hours in the kitchen cooking, baking, and in under an hour, the meal is over.
I should probably finish planning our meal–I have no idea what is for dessert yet, and I haven’t figured out what I’ll be eating instead of turkey. This is my first holiday season since I quit eating poultry, so no turkey for me this time. Maybe I’ll just be satisfied with all the sides and dessert. I don’t know, but I’ll figure it out in the next couple of days.
But in the meantime, I’m going to work my butt off at the day-job and get in some writing time between bread-baking (gotta have homemade sage and onion bread for the stuffing!). And I hope that all of you who will be celebrating Thanksgiving this week have a wonderful day, with lots of amazing food and great company, and maybe even some reading time! Next time, I should remember to share a little snippet of story, because we haven’t done that in a while.
Maybe some pumpkin cheesecake for dessert…
