Yes, I am still there. I’m wondering if these rewrites are my form of suffering in an earth-bound Tartarus for some previous offense. It might be time (past time?) to make an offering to Athena for help in getting out. And while I’m thinking about Athena, isn’t she pretty?
( Photo credit: archer10 (Dennis) / Foter / Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 Generic (CC BY-SA 2.0) ). And if you look closely, you can see Medusa’s head adorning her chest. This statue is in Austria, and it is absolutely gorgeous. I wonder what sort of offering Athena might like?
I did find a few minutes to create a little fun swag, between the evil dayjob and the torturous rewrites: a nifty mug with my awesome cover art on its side. I’ve already given one away via my Facebook page and I’ve got one more I’m going to give away here. This one will go to a random commenter on this blog post (via a drawing on ). All comments must be made by midnight ET on Sun, April 20, 2014. Each comment will be assigned a number in the order it is received, and those numbers will go into the drawing, which I will do on Tue, April 22,2014. I can’t wait to find out who gets this mug.
I also wanted to post a little snippet of story. This one is from Hunting Medusa, for those of you who haven’t yet read the story. (And for those of you who haven’t, why haven’t you?! Kallan is a seriously delicious hero.)
When his phone rang, he took it from his pocket absently and thumbed the on button without looking at the screen. “Yes?”
His burgeoning smile vanished. “Stavros.”
“Have you found her yet?”
“No.” He glanced at her when her quizzical gaze lifted from the stove to meet his.
“I’m getting closer. My information is looking good. I’ve found an excellent prospect, dropped out of college right after the last Medusa died and has never married.”
His heart stopped beating. He couldn’t tell his cousin the problem facing them. He didn’t want any of his cousins coming here. Especially not this cousin. And not just because he didn’t want him to know Kallan had found her and not killed her.
“Everything I’ve found points to one of several women in Maine.”
Kallan shut his eyes. Stavros had found the same clues he had followed. Dammit. “Ah. My leads are suggesting Ohio, actually. The young woman I was tracking in Oklahoma moved here six months ago and changed her name. Single, reclusive for the last eight years or so, according to everyone I’ve spoken to so far.” He opened his eyes in time to see Andrea’s jaw drop. He winked at her.
“Hm. Well, you should follow your own information while I will follow up on mine. One of us will find her this time, take her head.”
He clenched his jaw for a second. “Where are you now? Maybe we can pool resources. Compare notes.”
“I’m in New York, but I’m heading out tomorrow to drive to Maine. I should be able to narrow down these threads to one location in the next day or two.”
Just in time for her PMS to really kick in.
Kallan smiled grimly. If his cousin walked into that, it would be bad. For Stavros. “Oh, what a shame. Maybe next time.”
“Sure. After this one is found and eliminated. I’ve got to go. I’m meeting someone who may have better information for me.”
He shut his phone off and stuffed it back in his pocket. “Bad news, Medusa.”
“You tried to send him to Ohio?” She still stared at him, confusion in her blue eyes. “Don’t you think reinforcements would be a good thing for you?”
He shrugged. “Stavros has never been one to wait until he has all the information he needs for a job, and I’d prefer he went somewhere else right now. Unfortunately, he’s heading this way.”
So, if you think you’d like a mug with this

My shiny new cover art! isn’t it pretty?
on it for your morning cuppa, you have just over three days to get your comments on record for the drawing! Good luck!
And now I’m going to crawl back into my rewriting cave to work on Medusa #2, which, by the way, has (and I can’t believe I’m saying this) an even yummier hero! Now if I could get him to cooperate with me, this would go so much more smoothly…