( Photo credit: BarbaraWilli via Foter.com / CC BY )
Usually, I look forward to the end of the year. December is family time for us, plus lots of good food from Thanksgiving through the new year.
This year is different. Right now, I have two close family members who are sick, and our not-quite-17-year-old kitty is going downhill in a hurry. In fact, it’s been a really crappy week and a half here, and I am not looking forward to seeing what comes next.
So. Tell me something awesome that’s happened to you since December 1st. I could use some cheering up, plus everyone who shares their ‘awesome’ happening from the past 17 days by this Friday, December 23, 2016 will get their name entered into a giveaway for an ebook copy of Hunting Medusa.

Bring on the awesome!